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Main Goals of Glasgow Project

  1. Design and make new BioBricks for detection systems: XylR, Pu, Pr, DntR and DntA.
  2. Design and make new BioBricks for the production of pyocyanin.
  3. Clone genes and test responsiveness/sensitivity in non-pathogenic bacteria using ONPG.
  4. Clone genes into shuttle vector and test motility/transferability in both E. coli and pseudomonads.
  5. Get E. coli to produce pyocyanin.
  6. Improve efficiency of fuel cells.
  7. Make fuel cells with E. coli or pseudomonads which respond to stimuli to produce pyocyanin.
  8. Active collaboration between the biologists and the modellers to produce models that can accurately describe the behaviour of the chosen systems.
  9. Explore a variety of different computational approaches to study the behaviour of the chosen systems.
  10. Computational validation of hypotheses proposed by the biologists.