McGill/Horia Vulpe


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Revision as of 20:08, 9 October 2007 by Horiavulpe (Talk | contribs)
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I'm a U3 Physiology major who looks forward to completing an MD but is not sure what he wants to do later. Research or residency or both? Tough choice. The way I see it, Step 1: get into med school.

Apart from academics, I like to play piano when I find the time. To keep fit I do karate, again, when I find the time. I'm also a fan of electronic music and everything that comes with a vibrant nightlife.

More about me: I was born in Romania but I grew up in Montreal. I get to speak an eastern European language at home and French and English the rest of the time. And yes it does get a little confusing...

That's it for now, see you all at the Jamboree!
