

< Paris
Revision as of 14:01, 17 October 2007 by David.bikard (Talk | contribs)

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Paris illu mod1.png


Welcome to the main page of the modeling part

You'll find all the informations that you need to understand:

  • What we are doing
  • Why
  • And how

And if you don't find the answer to your question, put it on the discussion page ;-)

Getting started

Before beginning here a page on modeling in general

We divide the modeling into 3 parts:

Our goal is to predict the behavior of the parts, devices, but also to help and understand why some parts don't work.
At the end we want to provide parts with good descriptions, kinetic equations and parameters.

Paris illu mod2.gif


We define 4 variables of interest and one optional:

  • Numbers of soma cells
  • Number of germe cells
  • Concentration of CRE
  • Concentration of DAP in the medium
  • Concentration of DAP in the cells




cellular automaton

