Melbourne/Loading a DNA gel
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- Applications:
- Diagnostic
- Gel Purification
- Time to complete protocol:
- Lab time: 15min.
- Waiting time:30min-2hrs
- Approximate cost of materials: $
Method from primary and secondary reagents
Primary & secondary Reagents Required including controls
- 0.8% agarose gel
- 1x buffer (same as used to prepare the gel, TAE gives sleaner bands and is better for gel purification than TBE)
- DNA ladder with dye added (stock of 1kb ladder diluted 1 in 21 in loading dye is in the -20 freezer in iGEM box 1)
- DNA to be run with loading dye already added.
Method including controls
- Prepare gel and place in electrophoresis tank with the wells towards the black/negative electrode.
- Cover with 1x buffer such that there is a 1-2mm layer of buffer covering the gel and the wells are full.
- In lane one load 20uL of the ladder DNA
- The amount of DNA loaded varies depending on concentration, for the diagnostic digests load 20uL.
- Ensure that you write down the loading order.
- If you have sufficient lanes load another 20uL of the ladder in the final lane for greater ease in interpretation.
- Place the cover on the electrophoeresis tank. Make sure that you connect black to black and red to red and plug the cables into the power supply
Equipement Required
- PhillipDodson 03:48, 1 July 2007 (EDT):Secondary Reagent Template 1/July/2007