

Bollo UNIBO.png

quot: Vita brevis, ars longa, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile

"Art is long; life is short; opportunity is fleeting; judgement is difficult; experience is deceitful."

"la vita è breve, l'arte è lunga, l'occasione fuggevole, l'esperimento pericoloso, il giudizio difficile"

%% Hi everybody! We are the Bologna University Team; this is our first time in iGEM and we are very excited about it!

Team Roster

These are the people involved in the Team

Instructors Student Members Advisors
Silvio Cavalcanti Francesco Pasqualini Emanuele Domenico Giordano
Francesca Ceroni Guido Costa Marco Tartagni
Sara Montagna Alice Pasini


Our project consists in a Genetic [ Schmitt Trigger]: "when the input is higher than a certain chosen threshold, the output is high; when the input is below another (lower) chosen threshold, the output is low; when the input is between the two, the output retains its value. This dual threshold action is called hysteresis."

It is worth to remark that the invention of the Thermionic Trigger (an other name for this switch) was a direct result of Otto Schmitt's study of nerve propagation in squid nerves: it is the perfect example of inventing an artificial method to imitate a natural process. We think it's time for Schmitt Trigger to come back home in Bio.

The Beginning

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