.:: Introduction ::.
.:: Model Parameters ::.
Parameter | Value | Description | Comments |
c1max | 0.01 [mM/h] | max. transcription rate of constitutive promoter (per gene) | promoter no. J23105; Reference: Estimate |
c2max | 0.01 [mM/h] | max. transcription rate of luxR-activated promoter (per gene) | Reference: Estimate |
lhi | 25 | high-copy plasmid number | Reference: Estimate |
llo | 5 | low-copy plasmid number | Reference: Estimate |
aQ2,R | 0.1 - 0.2 | basic production of Q2/R-inhibited genes | Reference: Conclusions after discussion |
aQ2 | 0.1 - 0.2 | basic production of Q2-inhibited genes | Reference: Conclusions after discussion |
aQ1,S | 0.1 - 0.2 | basic production of Q1/S-inhibited genes | Reference: Conclusions after discussion |
aQ1 | 0.1 - 0.2 | basic production of Q1-inhibited genes | Reference: Conclusions after discussion |
aQ2,S | 0.1 - 0.2 | basic production of Q2/S-inhibited genes | Reference: Conclusions after discussion |
aQ1,R | 0.1 - 0.2 | basic production of Q1/R-inhibited genes | Reference: Conclusions after discussion |
dR | 2.31e-3 [per sec] | degradation of lacI | Ref. [10] |
dS | 1e-5 [pro sec]/2.31e-3 [per sec] | degradation of tetR | Ref. [9]/ Ref. [10] |
dL | 1e-3 - 1e-4 [per sec] | degradation of luxR | Ref: [6] |
dQ1 | 7e-4 [per sec] | degradation of cI | Ref. [7] |
dQ2 | degradation of p22cII | ||
dYFP | 6.3e-3 [per min] | degradation of YFP | suppl. mat. to Ref. [8] corresponding to a half life of 110min |
dGFP | 6.3e-3 [per min] | degradation of GFP | in analogy to YFP |
dRFP | 6.3e-3 [per min] | degradation of RFP | in analogy to YFP |
dCFP | 6.3e-3 [per min] | degradation of CFP | in analogy to YFP |
KR | 0.1 - 1 [pM] | lacI repressor dissociation constant | Ref. [2] |
KIR | 1.3 [µM] | IPTG-lacI repressor dissociation constant | Ref. [2] |
KS | 179 [pM] | tetR repressor dissociation constant | Ref. [1] |
KIS | 893 [pM] | aTc-tetR repressor dissociation constant | Ref. [1] |
KL | 55 - 520 [nM] | luxR activator dissociation constant | Ref: [6] |
KIL | 0.09 - 1 [µM] | AHL-luxR activator dissociation constant | Ref: [6] |
KQ1 |
| cI repressor dissociation constant |
KQ2 | 0.577 [µM] | p22cII repressor dissociation constant | Ref. [11]. Note that they use a protein cII and we have p22cII. Does that match? |
nR | 1 | lacI repressor Hill cooperativity | Ref. [5] |
nIR | 2 | IPTG-lacI repressor Hill cooperativity | Ref. [5] |
nS | 3 | tetR repressor Hill cooperativity | Ref. [3] |
nIS | 2 (1.5-2.5) | aTc-tetR repressor Hill cooperativity | Ref. [3] |
nL | 2 | luxR activator Hill cooperativity | Ref: [6] |
nIL | 1 | AHL-luxR activator Hill cooperativity | Ref. [3] |
nQ1 | 2 | cI repressor Hill cooperativity | Ref. [12] |
nQ2 | 4 | p22cII repressor Hill cooperativity | Ref. [11]. Note that they use a protein cII and we have p22cII. Does that match? |
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