Paris/October 12


< Paris
Revision as of 23:35, 14 October 2007 by Landrain (Talk | contribs)


I made a PCR onto the L59 miniprep template having the [ptet>>lox66-GFP-terminator-lox71-mRFP] construction in order to add a forward restriction site for PacI and a backward restriction site for XmaI.

- 27µL H2O
- 10µL Buffer10X GCRich (Finnzyme)
- 1,5µL DMSO 100%
- 2µL Template L59
- 4µL O47
- 4µL O48
- 0,5µL Phusion Taq

- 2' 98°C

30X - 20" 98°C
- 1'40" 72°C

- 10' 72°C
- infinitas 4°C