Schedule Legend: JG: Jason, Mc: Michelle, ED: Erin, NG: Nick G., NK: Nik K., CZ: Celine, AF: Adam, Al: Alex, JB: Jori, JP: Justin, VH: Veronica,
To August 2007
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July 1
July 2
July 3
July 4
Lab Notes:
Transformations of: J61003 (vector containing GFP), J23119 (constitutive promotor), E1010 (RFP), J45100 (methyl salicylate), 0034 (RBS). Transform into XL10 gold cells. Plate on Amp.
July 5
July 6
Lab Notes:
Transformation of E1010 did not work, it is in a Kan vector. SMRT.
Set up 4X5mL overnights of pSB1A3, J45100, B0034, J61003.
July 7
Lab Notes:
Glycerol stocks of overnights from July 6. Stored in -80 freezer. Miniprep from overnights started July 6. Stored in "iGEM" freezer box in -20 freezer.
July 8
Lab Notes:
Transform E1010 and A0500 into XL10 Gold. Plate on Kan.
Pour Kan and Amp plates. Make TBE and TAE buffer.
July 9
Lab Notes:
Retransform E1010 and A0050 into XL10Gold cells using new plates that were poured Sunday.
July 10
Lab Notes:
Transformations of E1010 and A0050 were not successful. Tomorrow we will try with a new cell line and enriched media.
July 11
Lab Notes:
Third attempt at transforming the Kan resistant BioBricks. Transformed E1010, A0500, and pSB2K3 into XL10 Gold, XL10 Gold with enriched media (Magnesium & Glucose), and DH5a cells. Plated 100uL and the pellet remaining after taking the 100uL aliquot on Kan plates.
Restriction digest of J61003 with Xba and Spe. Run on 0.8% agarose gel. Cut out 2290 band, will gel extract tomorrow.
July 12
General Notes:
Calender up and running.
Meeting tonight at 7:00 in CSC 2-49.
Received Chlorobium tepidum, meeting with Dr. Jeff Fuller (with Capital Health) to discuss the use of their anaerobic chambers!! -Justin
Lab Notes:
Transformations with DH5a cells worked, but we will need to select for single colonies tonight.
Streak for single colonies of E1010, A0500, J61003.
Purification of gel slice of digested J61003.
July 13
General Notes:
Everyone who is coming tonight please be present 7:00pm sharp
Lab Notes:
Started 4X5mL overnights of E1010 and I0050 at 8:30 am. Should be ready for miniprep tonight.
No growth in over nights - left these shaking in 37 incubator because they may be "slow growers"
Started new overnights of E1010, I0500, and psb2k3 (all DH5alpha) at 2200hrs incubating in the incubator by the autoclave - plates were also streaked (&labeled corresponding to the tubes)
Also made overnights for massive colonies seen on 48hr growth of E1010 in XL
Made some Kan plates
July 14
General Notes:
If you are scheduled during the day please be in the lab at 1230hrs (PM) Don't forget that the Bio-Sci doors lock at 1900hrs so if you are trying to get in after 1900hrs call 492-2911
Things to be continued today (CZ)
1. Put LB plates in 4 degree fridge
2. Plate 20 microlitre of DH5 alpha on a kan plate as a control
3. Xba1/EcoRI double digest
NOTE: Sequential digestion is needed. Start with 1 microlitre of Xba1 and 2 microlitre of 10x Tango and incubate for an hour. Then add 1 microlitre of EcoRI and 2.5 microlitre of 10X Tango and incubate for an hour.
4. Miniprep on the colonies picked on July 13 at 10pm. They are in the shaker in the back room. Note the colonies picked were also streaked on kan plates in the 37 degree incubator. Erin's colonies are in the shaker in the front room.
If you need anything else call me(Celine). Number on the blackboard. Thank you.�
<b/>Lab Notes:</b>
JP, AL, NK, JB(?)
1. Completed Mini on E10050 (4), I0500 (2), PSB2K3 (2) samples (the two labeled Erin, are those from July 13 8:30am ON's) In DNA box -20
2. Completed sequential double restriction on J61003 promoter region. Used Xba1 and EcoR1 (see protocol). sample in DNA box -20
3. Placed Kan plates at +4
July 15
General Notes:
1. complete double restriction on newly mini'd plasmids (arabinose promoter, RFP)
2. gel purify J61003 restriction products (promoter restriction sample)
3. fundraising letters!
Lab Notes:
1. ran a gel containing the digested products of the J61003 (promoter digest), snapped photo and cut out bands for extraction/purification tomorrow
2. glycerol stocks of Chlorobium tepidum
3. finished grant application forms
- JP, AL, NG, MC
July 16
General Notes:
1. Because we didn't get into lab till late (because of locked doors), did not complete restriction on newly mini'd plasmids. Can be completed today (isolate arabinose promoter and RFP)
2. All of the restriction product (for J61003 XbaI/EcoR1) were ran and cut - no sample remaining
Lab Notes:
Completed gel extraction of E,X digested J61003. (in box in -20)
Restriction digests of E1010 (X,S) and I0500 (E,x), ran on 0.8% gel. E1010 expected a band at 680bp, I0500 expected a band at 1200 bp. Got two positive lanes for E1010: XL1 and XL2 minipreps. Cut out bands and put in -20. No positive for I0500.
Quotes of the Day:
"If I had a remote, I'd change the cd."
Anonymous, in response to the skipping music on the cd player, but much to lazy to get up and change it
"I would never drive this tired. But I WILL operate chemicals."
July 17
Lab Notes:
Gel extracted E1010 from yesterday's slices.
Mini-prep on A0500 from a culture labelled with red marker. If anyone knows what cell line is in this culture, please post.
It is I0500 and it is DH5alpha unless otherwise labelled . .. only the E1010 had both DH5alpha and XL10gold overnights -MC
Let's not do anything more with it then, because the DH5as aren't working due to them already having their own Kan resistance. - ED
Ligation of E1010 (RFP) into J61003. Used 4 different ligation conditions. These are sitting on the instructor's bench at the front of the room. These need to be transformed into XL10 Gold and plated on Amp tomorrow. Try transforming 1uL and 10uL.
Quote of the Day
"Cancer is an urban myth."
July 18
Lab Notes:
Transformed Ligations 1,2,3,4 into XL10 Gold Competent cells
Plated 1ul,10 ul, and 200ul on AMP
Incubated @ 37celsius overnight
Quote(s) of the Day:
In response to the awesome; "You're wayyyy to exciting for me right now"
July 19
Meeting at 7:00, CAB 373.
General Notes
New Schedule is up
check out the jar o' love @ the front :)
Lab notes
Started 8X5mL overnights to test colonies of the RFP ligation. Hopefully JB will be available to do minipreps tomorrow. Miniprep protocol is tucked in Master Book.
Quote of the Day
"There is a pee throw up smell it the washroom"
"Someone must be pregnant"
July 20
General Notes:
There is now a Jar O' Love in the lab; Please do not drink chemicals from said jar o'love. Check it out - it's at the front on the instructors bench. It's to give shout outs for people who are rocking out and 'taking one for the team'.
Lab Notes:
Miniprep Lig3 (8 samples) overnights - JB
Made 1L LB broth (16 bottles) at the back to be put away in the sterile cupboards tomorrow
Ran Gel of JB's Minipreps after digestion with Xba and Spe. All of the colonies were positive (band at 1.2 kB).
Did some dishes - we should learn how to use the dishwasher
- MC, ED, JG
Quote(s) of the day:
"Always use protection when using the Jar O' Love"
July 21
General Notes:
How does 12:00pm sound?
Since it doesn't look like Nik will be showing up, maybe just call Alex and see if it works for him.
All of the ligations of RFP into J61003 turned out. They are labelled JB July 19 1-8 in the DNA box. Transform 1 of them into XL10 Gold and plate on Amp with Tetracycline plates. You will have to add the Tet to the plates beforehand. I don't know what concentraion, but James suggested 1 ug/mL. Try plating different amounts.
The reason that I am making these suggestions is that I read that XL10Golds are Tet resistant, so we can maybe induce the expression of RFP with the Tet because it is under the Tet promotor and then we can see the RFP.
As always, call me if you need anything.
Lab Notes:
1. got into building
2. waited for peers - no shows
3. tried to break into room by climbing through roof (cement goes all the way up)
4. went home... will complete work tomorrow - sorry i'll get swipe access asap...
July 22
General Notes:
How does 7:00pm sound?
Laboratory Notes:
Transformed XL10 gold cells with J61003 (with RFP ligated in). Split cell aliquot into two 50microL aliquots and added 1microL DNA from ligation sample 1 and from ligation sample 4. Covered AMP plates with 50microL 1microg/ml tet, spread, let sit. Plated (1) 50microL sample and (1) 5microL + 45microL LB onto Tet/Amp plates for #'s 1&4. They are in 37C incubator. The remaining transformed cells are in +4C labeled July 22.
Serious Quote of the Month
Then shall I see, with vision clear,
How secret elements cohere,
And what the universe engirds,
And give up huckstering with words
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
July 23
Laboratory Notes:
1. Add more Tet on ligation plates from July 22. Hopefully red colonies will appear!
2. Transformation of XL10Gold with
- Butanol CoA dehydrogenase (1 in 1000 dilution)
- Butenoyl CoA dehydrogenase (1 in 1000 dilution)
- J23018 (RFP positive control)
20 and 100 microlitres of transformed culture plated on Amp plate and incubate at 37 degrees
The leftover mixture is stored in 4 degree fridge in case of no growth.
3. Repeate overnight ligation from July 22. The exact amounts of insert, vector etc. are on the blackboard.
For tomorrow:
1. Pick colonies for transformed plates.
2. Plate ligation mixtures with appropriate amount of Tet.
3. Observe red colonies from the July 22 ligation plates if the cells are still alive.
Memorable Quote:
Don't force it. Let it come out naturally.
to the top
July 24
July 25
July 26
Meeting at 7:00, Room TBA.
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
July 31
UofA iGEM Home
To June 2007
To August 2007