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May 2007
May 11
- Autoclaved LB, Agar and Minimal Medium. Made plates with AmpR, KanR and both Amp and Kan. Concentrations used (same for cell cultures):
- Amp: 1uL/mL
- Kan: 10uL/mL
- Cam: 0.8uL/mL (from Elvis' aliquots)
- The receipe for M9 Minimal Medium is in my lab notebook which is in the lab so I'll post it later under the Protocols section. Hopefully we can get the 2007 wiki soon. Horia
May 14
Moved plates from iGEM fridge to fridge on C block (end of hall) Made 100X Yeast extract and 10X Dextrose (for supplementing minimal medium) Prepared CaCl2 and CaCl2/Glycerol 10% solutions for CC procedure of tomorrow Will seed tonight. Horia
June 2007