< NYMU Taipei/Lab Notes
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- about PCR issue for INS_A and INS_B
- so far we have two PCR (9/5 and 9/8)
- Because the concentration of 9/8 is too low, we suspect that the temperature could cause the problem
- five annealing temperatures are tested in INS_A
- #1: 49.8
- #2: 52.3
- #3: 55.5
- #c: 55.5 (control without template)
- #4: 58.7
- #5: 60.9
- PCR protocol
- template 1.0 uL
- 10X PCR buffer 5.0 uL
- dNTP (2.5mM), 2.0 uL
- primer F 1.0 uL
- primer R 1.0 uL
- polymerase 0.5 uL
- ddH2O 39.5 uL
- total is 50.0 uL