Davidson Missouri W
From 2007.igem.org
===Davidson & Missouri Western Team Logos, iGEM2006===
Contents |
Team Meeting Notes
Western Meeting Notes 051407 to Present [1]
• Will DeLoache, junior biology major, [2]
• Oyinade Adefuye, Senior Biology Major, [oyinadeadefuye@yahoo.com]
• Jim Dickson , ??? major, [3]
• Amber Shoecraft, ??? major, [4]
• Andrew Martens, Senior Biology major, [5]
• Michael Waters, ??? major, [6]
• Jordan Baumgardner, junior biology, biochem/molecular bio major, [7]
• Ryan Chilcoat, junior biology major (health sciences), [8]
• Tom Crowley, senior biochem/molecular biology major, [9]
• Lane H. Heard, Central High School graduate, [10]
• Nickolaus Morton, junior chemistry major, [11]
• Michelle Ritter, junior mathematics major, [12]
• Miranda Showalter, junior biology major (health sciences), [13]
• Jessica Treece, junior biology major (health sciences), [14]
• Matthew Unzicker, senior biochem/molecular biology major, [15]
• Amanda Valencia, senior biochem/molecular biology major, [16]
• Malcolm Campbell [http://www.bio.davidson.edu/people/macampbell/macampbell.html], Professor, Department of Biology, [17]
• Karmella Haynes [http://www.bio.davidson.edu/people/kahaynes/kahaynes.html], Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, [18]
• Laurie Heyer [http://www.davidson.edu/math/heyer/], Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, [19]
Shipping Address: Malcolm Campbell, Biology Dept. Davidson College, 209 Ridge Road, Davidson, NC 28036 [(704) 894-2692]
• Todd Eckdahl [http://staff.missouriwestern.edu/~eckdahl/], Professor, Department of Biology, [20]
• Jeff Poet [http://staff.missouriwestern.edu/~poet/], Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics, [21]
Shipping Address: Todd Eckdahl, Biology Department, Missouri Western State University, 4525 Downs Drive, Saint Joseph, MO, 64507 [(816) 271-5873]
Project Overview
Solving the Pancake Problem with an E. coli Computer Our goal is to genetically engineer a biological system that can compute solutions to a puzzle called the burnt pancake problem. The EHOP computer is a proof of concept for computing in vivo, with implications for future data storage devices and transgenic systems.
Resources / Citations
Cool site for Breakfast [http://www.cut-the-knot.org/SimpleGames/Flipper.shtml]
Karen Acker's paper describing GFP and TetA(c) with Hix insertions [http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/Immunology/Students/spring2006/Acker/Acker_finalpaperGFP.doc]
Bruce Henschen's paper describing one-time flippable Hix sites [http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/genomics/2006/henschen/Bruce_Finalpaper.doc]
Intro to Hamiltonian Path Problem and DNA [http://www.ams.org/featurecolumn/archive/dna-abc2.html]