Tokyo/Formulation/1.toggle model
1.toggle model
First,we obtain the ordinary differential equations(ODEs) of the toggle switch.
And,we normalize these expressions to analyze easily.So,ODEs become dementionless.
if the system goes to the steady state,time variation equal to zero.So we solve righe-hand side=0.
These graph are below.The lines of graph are nullcline,and the intersection of nullclines is the equillibrium point.
About parameters,we use three sets of parameters.
1)the maximum expression rate of repressor A and repressor B is balanced,and hill coefficient of both A and B is three.
2)the maximum expression rate of repressor A and repressor B is equal,and hill coefficient of A is one.
3)the maximum expression rate of repressor A and repressor B is not balanced,and hill coefficient of both A and B is three.
we correlate phaseplane analysis and simulation results.
First,we simulate about the phaseplane of two stable equilibrium points(the upper left figure) and use three kinds of initial values.
1. (Ra:low , Rb:high) 2. (Ra:high , Rb:low) 3. (Ra:middle , Rb:middle)
As a result,taking two stable status need the phaseplane of two stable equilibrium points and we have to set proper parameters.