As in Sinthetic Biology there are people working with very different backgrounds from different areas. We try to give a general bibliography that could be useful during iGEM preparation for the different members of the team according its background in this section.
Title | Author | Publisher | Year | Comments | Book |
Electronica integrada. Circuitos y sistemas analogicos y digitales | J Millman and CC Halkias | McGrawhill | 1995 | A general description of electronic circuits | ----- |
Biochemistry | CK Mathews, KE Van Holde, and KG Ahern | (Publisher) | 2002 | Fundamentals of biochemistry | ------ |
A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators | Elowitz, MB; Leibler,S | Nature vol 403, 6767 p335 | 2000 | one of the first projects related with the ideas of synthetic biology | |
Quimica | BM Mahan, RJ Myers | Addison-Wesley | (Data in which was published) | General description of Kinetics | |
Feedback Control Theory | J Doyle, B Francis, A Tennenbau | Macmillan | 1990 | A general introduction to control theory | (if it is possible link to the book) | Introduction to Dynamic Systems: Theory, Models, and Applications | DG Luenberger | Jon Wiley & Sons | 1979 | (brief summary of the book) | (if it is possible link to the book) | (Title of the book) | (Authors) | (Publisher) | (Data in which was published) | (brief summary of the book) | (if it is possible link to the book) |
(Title of the book) | (Authors) | (Publisher) | (Data in which was published) | (brief summary of the book) | (if it is possible link to the book) |