NYMU Taipei/Welcome

From 2007.igem.org

Revision as of 13:27, 25 October 2007 by Yfchang (Talk | contribs)

Team project

Regular meeting


Team schedule

Help me!




Our Part Registry

Key experiments


Available Restriction Enzymes

Almost Depleted Reagents

You must know!






Latest News

  • [http://www.syntheticbiology3.ethz.ch/monday.htm Videos of the talks of "Synthetic Biology 3.0" conference] are now available.

  • Take a look at the [http://pub.ucsf.edu/today/cache/feature/200708022.html UCSF Summer Assignment: Genetically Engineer a New Cell].  

  • Our NYMU iGEM team meets regularly every week.
    You are more than welcome to join us for the discussion.
    [/iGEM2007/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/cry_smile.gif" alt="" /> no matter if you are a formal member of our team or not.
    The regular meeting for our team is scheduled as follows: 
    Time & Date: 6:00 pm on every Friday 
    Place: Room 417, Library/Information Building (圖資大樓), National Yang Ming University (
    [http://www.ym.edu.tw/map.html">check map here!] We are at the P3 location on the map) 

The Beauty of our School - [http://www.ym.edu.tw/ National Yang Ming University]

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http://igem.ym.edu.tw/iGEM2007/images/a/a0/P04.jpg http://igem.ym.edu.tw/iGEM2007/images/3/37/P03.jpg
http://igem.ym.edu.tw/iGEM2007/images/1/13/Y02.jpg http://igem.ym.edu.tw/iGEM2007/images/d/d3/Y09.jpg

 Our iGEM2007 Mascot and Recruitment Poster

[http://igem.ym.edu.tw/iGEM2007/images/5/53/Image_logo.jpg" alt="logo" width="300" height="352" /> [http://igem.ym.edu.tw/iGEM2007/images/5/55/Image_poster.jpg" alt="poster" width="300" height="388" />