Valencia/Current Events


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Sidi Saler meeting --nice food and nice talks

this was the place where different ideas came up, were discussed and the final comparator's idea was taken


we had an interview on the COPE radio... it was at lunch time, and we were able to have the file, so soon we will upload it


today our commercial XL1-blue finally came... it's been a long road...


a journalist from the newspaper El Mundo came to interview us

iGEM 2007 team's dinner at Hicela's home --awesome colombian pacific food


a journalist from the cable TV channel LDTV came to take some shots so to build a report

for dinner, iGEM 2007 team meets iGEM 2006 team in a japanese restaurant --sushi for everyone!

27 & 28-august

those days Arnau decided to take a short vacation to Granada, at the southern tip of Spain... he shut down his phone and did not answer mails...

those two days were also the ones when Emilio and Javier Urchueguía went to Göteborg to the 9th Annual Functional Genomics Conference, on the topic of Synthetic Biology... they met many, many people from this big small world and talk about iGEM, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, etc.


Group meeting to talk about the global evolution of the project and decide the final form of it.


This afternoon we have had a little break off lab work. we have gone to the basketball field and played until our arms were acking... some people from iGEM 2006 came, as well. we had dinner in a local bar were we ate 'jamón' (spanish salty ham) and cheese... we ended the night at a pub downtown, were we had the opportunity see a little bit of Valencia's night life...


Raul has brought some food from his home town, Teruel. he's so nice, he has invited us to delight ourselves with such delisatessen...


Coat of arms

This day can be called as the national day of our city as we celebrate the reconquest of our city to the muslims by the king Jaume I of Aragon (You can look for more information [ here]).

Nevertheless, we work in the lab today too as the jamboree is about to arrive. It is no so bad to pass this nice day with some friend playing with bacteria.


Three spanish ships driven by Christopher Columbus discover America 515 years ago and the image of the world as it was known up to that day was changed.

As a consequence of this event that was very important for the history of the world and overall for Spain, This day is the national day of Spain, but as 9-October we are not going to change our routine and we celebrated it going to the lab. :-)


Group meeting to talk about the Jamboree presentation and poster.


Presentation of the Valencia Team iGEM project in the Instituto Cavanilles


Presentation of the Valencia Team iGEM project in the city hall

2 November

We head towards Boston!!