

Revision as of 08:22, 21 June 2007 by Genarojm (Talk | contribs)
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iGEM MEXICO - Mexican Staff

Instructors and institutions:

Pablo Padilla Longoria (IIMAS, UNAM,

Arturo Becerra Bracho (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM,

Fabiola Ramírez Corona (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM,

Edgar Salgado Majarrez (UPIBI, IPN

Rosaura Palma Orozco (ESCOM, IPN,

Elías Samra Hassan (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM,

Juan S. Aranda Barradas (UPIBI, IPN,

Genaro Juárez Martínez (CEMS, UWE,

Francisco Hernández Quiroz (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM,


Pablo Gerardo Padilla (IPN,

Alejandra Sánchez Arzate (UNAM,

Iván Y. Fernández Rosales (

Julio N. Argota Quiróz (IPN,

Laboratory and Other Space:

Suport from UNAM-PAPIIT Proyect "Formal Languages in Systems Biology" (PAPIIT is the program for suport to research and techonogical inovation of the National University of Mexico).

Computing lab facilities from the School of Science and the Applied Mathematics Institute at UNAM, including standard software and internet connections, as well as several seminar and classrooms for meetings.

We have a lab space with meeting space, 1 notebook, 3 Power Mac,5 PC's, 1 Dell Server, 3 Thermocyclers,Microcentrifuges, complete horizontal and vertical Electrophoresis systems, Automatic Sequencer, Hibridization oven, Electrophorator, Micropipettes, Speedvac Eppendorf, UV Crosslinker, Spectrophotometer, pHmeter, Liophylizer, complete photodocumentation systems.

Financial Resources:

We have raised the money to cover for the registration of the team and individual members, as well as travel and local expenses for the instructors for the May meeting and approximately 60% of the corresponding costs for the students corresponding to the November meeting.

Some of the instructors are willing to devote part of their grants to support the IPN-UNAM iGEM team.

We have a grant from a current project which will allow us to cover the initial expenses. In the meantime, we have submitted another grant proposal specifically for iGEM. This proposal is likely to be accepted within the next three months.


Carmen Oliver Salvador, Paola Zarate Segura, Mark Olson, Claudia Franco Arteaga, Ulises Vélez Saldaña, Jaime López Rabadan and Carlos Silva Sánchez.

The Team Members:

10 members:

5 biology students

4 computer science students

1 mathematics student