Hi, I'm Hongwu Ma, the Informatics instructor for the Edinburgh iGEM 2007 team. I have research experiences on the analysis of bacteria regulatory networks. I would be very happy to contribute to the project and would like to share my experience and ideas with you.
and here's my talk on modelling
Papers on modeling of gene regulation process
* strcuture and function of the feed-forward loop network motif
Mangan S, Alon U, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003, 100:11980-11985 Link
* Design of gene circuits: lessons from bacteria
Wall ME, Hlavacek WS, Savageau MA Nature review genetics 2004, 5:34 Link
* Design principles for regulator gene expression in a repressible gene circuit
Wall ME, Hlavacek WS, Savageau MA J mol Biol 2003, 332:861-876
* A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators
Elowitz MB, Leibler S, Nature 2000, 403:335