Davidson Team's First HPP Construct

From 2007.igem.org

Revision as of 22:49, 28 June 2007 by Wideloache (Talk | contribs)

3N graph.jpg

The Davidson team plans to build the graph shown above in our first attempt at solving the Hamiltonian Path Problem in vivo. (The Missouri Western team will build a similar graph, with an edge from node 3 to node 1 but no edge from node 2 to node 1.) In order to determine if a Hamiltonian Path exists in the directed graph above, we propose a plasmid design similar to that shown below

3N solved no polymerase.jpg

This cartoon represents a solved arangement of our proposed construct. Between the two pairs of BioBrick restriction enzyme sites lies a region containing three DNA fragments, each flanked by hixC sites (represented by the black, jagged rectangles). Each node of the graph represents one of the following genes: GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein), Kanamycin Resistance and a transcription terminator. Each edge of the graph is included in the construct between two hixC sites. In the presence of Hin protein, flipping of the edges at hixC sites will produce random walks through the graph. When flipped into the correct orientation and located upstream of any transcription terminators, a given gene will be transcribed upon promotion from the promoter region. All random walks through the graph will be generated through flipping. However, by using the inducible T7 promoter, no phenotypes will be displayed intially.

T7-polymerase plasmid.jpg

All plasmids containing random walks through the graph will first be retransformed into new competent cells that lack transcription of Hin protein. Instead, these cells will contain the plasmid shown in the image above, which produces T7 RNA polymerase.

3N solved polymerase.jpg

T7 RNA polymerase is specific to the T7 promoter on the Hamiltonian graph plasmid.. Retransformation, therefore, has the dual effect of stopping flipping of the edges and intializing transcription of all "solved" genes. The image above shows a solved plasmid post-retransformation. Both GFP and Kanamycin resistance would be expressed in this cell.

3N falsepos polymerase.jpg

It is possible for all of the genes in the graph to be expressed (or all of the nodes to be visited), but for a Hamiltonian Path not to exist in the system. A "false positive" of this type is shown above. This path (1->2, 2->1, 2->3) through the graph is not allowed because it demands "teleportation" from node 1 to node 2, and it also visits nodes (2 and 1) multiple times. Because false positives require that at least one extra edge exist in the path through the graph (when compared to true solution of the Hamiltonian Path Problem), the true solution to the HPP will always contain the shortest DNA fragment between the promoter and the terminator of all the positive phenotypes. We will screen out any false positives through gel electrophoresis.