


Luca Gerosa

Welcome to my personal page :)

Update for iGEM 2008

Since I am very lazy and busy (two things that don't go very well together.. eh eh), I am re-using my member page from last year. Everything is still very valid, apart that now I am at ETH Zurich. Chocolate here is great!

Just a little introduction

Hi, I am Luca, Master's student at the University of Edinburgh. I am Italian, from a small town in the upper North located between the [ Dolomites] and the splendid [ Lake Garda].
I have been studying in the [ University of Trento] for four years and currently I am pursuing a Double Degree with the [ University of Edinburgh]. I have been here one year and I found that Scotland is lovely and the character and folklore of Scottish people always amazing. I consider Edinburgh one of the most beautiful and frizzy cities I have ever been.. and I haven't seen the [ Festival] yet!! (update: I have been to the Festival, it is great!)

My scientific interests

After four year of Computer Science studies, I am now specializing in Bioinformatics, in particular in the field of Computational Systems Biology.
My main interests are in the use of mathematical methods and formal languages for the definition and analysis of biological models, both the deterministic and stochastic approach. My master thesis is about the use of Stochastic Process algebras for modelling Synthetic Biology systems (Click here to view or download the PDF file).
I think Synthetic Biology will be very influential in the future of Biology Engineering and so I would like to continue working on related projects. Next year I will be at ETH Zurich for my PhD studies (update: [ Click here for my homepage at ETH] ) on computational techniques for modelling regulation of metabolic networks.

All the other things I like

  • Definitely reading... some of my favorite authors are Stefano Benni, Umberto Eco, Paulo Coelho and Ken Follet but I usually like a little bit of everything (another update: I have been infected by the Harry Potter mania and now I am reading the fifth book!).
  • I like to ride my bicycle in Edinburgh (those two days in all the year in which is not raining!), to play football (with whatever weather condition :P), and to snowboard with my hardboard in the winter.
  • I really enjoy to remind to my dear French friends who are the [ Champions of the World]!
  • I am a decent guitarist and a rather poor singer: often you can find me ruining one or two international masterpiece songs with some friends and a glass of whiskey.
  • I love Glendronach but I usually drink Famous Grouse (best cheap whiskey in Scotland and also doing that I support the [ Rugby] team :P). But nothing can beat a good shot of [ Montenegro].
  • Nothing better than a song of The Doors (quite mood) or Gun's n Roses (angry mood).

