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Construction of hemC basic part
PCR kd007/kd0010 on hemC	(306 bp, gp=A)
PCR kd009/kd008 on hemC	(688 bp, gp=B)
PCR kd007/kd008 on A+B 	(994 bp, Bg1II/XhoI)
Digest pBca9145-Bca1144#5  	(BglII/XhoI, 2063+910, L)
Product is pBca9145-I716154
kd007	Forward Bg1II for hemC	     	ccaaaAGATCTatgataatgacggtaacaagc
kd008	Reverse Xho1 for hemC	     	gctagCTCGAGttaGGATCCtcatgccggggcgtctccgttatag
kd009		Forward remove the EcoR1 site in hemC       gccggttGAGTTCccgcaag
kd010	Reverse remove the EcoR1 site in hemC        cttgcggGAACTCaaccggc