NYMU Taipei/Lab Notes/2007 10 4

From 2007.igem.org

digestion check of CinR+HSL+D-term,pCinRHSL and pOmpC (vectors)

NYMU Taipei 20071004 CinR-HSL-D-term,pCinRHSL,pOmpC digestion check.jpg
  • lane A: 1kb ladder
  • lane B: CinR+HSL+D-term x 2
  • lane C: 1kb ladder
  • lane D: pCinRHSL x 2
  • lane E: pOmpC x 2

Re-check the concentration of inserts and vectors

NYMU Taipei 20071004 3 vectors 3 inserts digestion check.jpg
  • lane A: 1kb ladder
  • lane B: pCinRHSL
  • lane C: pOmpC
  • lane D: CinR+HSL+D-term
  • lane E: 100bp ladder
  • lane F: TATA_INSA
  • lane G: TATB_INSB
  • lane H: OmpRBS