McGill/Avi Biswas


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Revision as of 17:55, 22 September 2007 by Avi (Talk | contribs)

Hello Hello

I'm going to try to summarize myself in a few paragraphs, so if you're still reading this, be prepared to waste a few valuable seconds of your life.

Though born in Canada, I've been somewhat of a global nomad my whole life, but spent the majority of it, 16 years in fact, in the sunny, desert plains of Qatar, in the Middle East. I'm currently in my last year of a Bachelor of Science degree in Anatomy and Cell Biology. I guess I have the cell biology part of my degree being somehow related with the technical aspects of our the anatomy part fits in... I'm not quite sure yet.

For the last year, I had been looking to see if a career in scientific research was something I could be interested in after graduating and I was looking for research experience, primarily under supervision. After searching far and wide, I eventually came across iGEM, and although it wasn't exactly the kind of research experience I initially had in mind, I was drawn to the level of independence such a competition can give to undergraduate students such as myself. Another appealing aspect was the prospect of working with other undergrad students from various other scientific backgrounds, all contributing to a single project.

I have to say that the experience that I've gained from the project since we started in May, has been highly invaluable and in the process, I've made some great friends.

Other than growing and killing E. coli bacteria, I'm a self confessed sports fanatic and a lifelong fan of Arsenal FC (English Premier League Soccer Club), as for playing, I enjoy Tennis, Squash and Soccer. I also like a variety of music, ranging from alternative rock like Radiohead and The Smashing Pumpkins, to classical music and arias from various operas.