

< PennState
Revision as of 20:29, 26 October 2007 by Nrj5011 (Talk | contribs)
Home Diauxie Project Dosimeter Project People Lab Parts Acknowledgements Links

We would like to thank Dr. Tien for... We would also like to thank Dr. Farber... We would also like to thank Dr. Weiss... We would like to thank Dr. Richard .... We would also like to thank Dr. Cirino... Dr. Ming Tien Dr. Daryl Farber Dr. Paul Weiss Dr. Tom Richard Dr. Pat Cirino The Penn State iGEM team would like to thank Drs. Ming Tien and Darryl Farber for support and guidence in this project, we would also like to thank Dupont, Invitrogen, and the TEAS Scholarship Fund for their generous financial support. {| | |