NYMU Taipei/Help me!/Regulated insulin serection Team
From 2007.igem.org
- Attendants: Chih-Hsien anf sakula (domain-based protein designer)
- Title: Fusion construct for signaling transduction to regualte gene expression
- Motivation
- No read-to-use promoter for glucose-sensing in E.coli
- Most sensory protein have similar responsive domain (e.g. Histidine Kinase domain) and varied in signal sensing domain
- Strategy: Fuse glucose-sensing domain of membrance sensory protein to a known signal relay
- Reference
- [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v438/n7067/abs/nature04405.html Engineering Escherichia coli to see light, 2005 Nature]
- Material:
- comparison between EnvZ and RcsC
- ompR binding site
- <a href="http://partsregistry.org/Part:BBa_R0082">Part:BBa_R0082</a> (15P, plate 1)
- <a href="http://partsregistry.org/Part:BBa_R0083">Part:BBa_R0083</a> (17H, plate 1)
- <a href="http://partsregistry.org/Part:BBa_R0084">Part:BBa_R0084</a> (11H, plate 1)