NYMU Taipei/Lab Notes/2007 10 5
From 2007.igem.org
PCR length check
- PCR product length without any insert = (3,189 - 3,049) + 176 = 316 by primers VF2 and VR
- expected combined insertion lengths of three ligations
- (I) pCinRHSL (vector) + OmpRBS (insert): 291 + 316 = 613
- 291 = pCinRHSL (225) + Sequence after left cutting sites (1) + OmpRBS (65)
- (II) pOmpC (vector) + TATA_INSA (insert): 297 + 316 = 603
- 297 = pOmpC (108) + Sequence after left cutting sites (23) + TATA (90) + INSA (66)
(III) TATB_INSB (insert) + CinR+HSL+D-term (vector): 1,829 + 316 = 2,145