Paris/July 3


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Revision as of 11:30, 11 July 2007 by Nicolas C. (Talk | contribs)


Preparation of the P1 stock on the w121 strain.

See protocols. This preparation is necessary for transduction of DapA deletion in MG1655 strain.

Kinetic measurements:

As previously described, we want to measure :

  • Growth of DapA- strain (w121) relative to the concentration of DAP in the medium :
  • The excretion of Dap by MG1655 DapA+ strain by an indirect way

Growth of DapA- strain (w121) relative to the concentration of DAP in the medium

We measure the kinetic of the w121 as a function of DAP concentration
[DAP] = 5mM

Kinetic Array :Growthing of w121 strain as a function of DAP concentration (1µL w121 strain incubated ON)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A {{{A11}}} {{{A12}}}
B 200µL LB + 0µL DAP 200µL LB + 2µL DAP 200µL LB + 4µL DAP 200µL LB + 8µL DAP 200µL LB + 12µL DAP {{{B11}}} {{{B12}}}
C {{{C11}}} {{{C12}}}
D {{{D11}}} {{{D12}}}
E {{{E11}}} {{{E12}}}
F {{{F11}}} {{{F12}}}
G {{{G11}}} {{{G12}}}
H {{{H1}}} {{{H2}}} {{{H3}}} {{{H4}}} {{{H5}}} {{{H6}}} {{{H7}}} {{{H8}}} {{{H9}}} {{{H10}}} {{{H11}}} {{{H12}}}

See Results.

Measuring excretion of Dap by MG1655 DapA+ strain in an indirect manner

We measure the growth of DapA- strain in the filtered growth medium of previously incubated MG1655 strain (S0).
S0 = Centrifuged and filtered medium of MG1655 ON
[DAP] = 5mM

Kinetic Array :Growthing of w121 strain 'supplemented' with S0 (1µL w121 strain incubated ON)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A {{{A11}}} {{{A12}}}
B 200µL S0 + 0µL DAP 200µL S0 + 2µL DAP 200µL S0 + 4µL DAP 200µL S0 + 8µL DAP 200µL S0 + 12µL DAP {{{B11}}} {{{B12}}}
C {{{C11}}} {{{C12}}}
D {{{D11}}} {{{D12}}}
E {{{E11}}} {{{E12}}}
F {{{F11}}} {{{F12}}}
G {{{G11}}} {{{G12}}}
H {{{H1}}} {{{H2}}} {{{H3}}} {{{H4}}} {{{H5}}} {{{H6}}} {{{H7}}} {{{H8}}} {{{H9}}} {{{H10}}} {{{H11}}} {{{H12}}}

See Results.


Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ADP1


We received the strain Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ADP1 from Pasteur Institute (Center of biological resources of the Pasteur Institute): code CIP 104273 (ATCC number 33305). The strain was dehydrated and cultured following this protocol on LB agar plate at 30°C overnight:

Paris ampoule.jpeg

Medium to triglyceride/wax esters synthesis

Acinetobacter ADP1 is able to multiply in LB medium at 30°C. It is also able to synthesise lipids (triglyceride and wax ester) under specific conditions: Low Nitrogen Mineral Medium (LNMM). This medium contains low nitrogen leading the bacterium to decrease its growing. With carbon hydrate source (here succinic acid), the bacteria stock energy into lipids (triglyceride and wax esters).

The LNMM medium contains:

  • 2g KH2PO4
  • 1.18g succinic acid
  • 0.1g NH4SO4
  • 980mL H2O
  • water adjudted to pH 7.0 with KOH

After autoclaving, 20mL of sterile MgSO4 are added.
Solid media were prepared by the addition of 1.5% (w/v) agar-agar.
Culture were incubated at 30°C aerobic.