Paris/August 25


yesterday -- tomorrow


We made glycerol stocks of the W121 strains transformed with [DapAp>>mRFP] construction

Strains glycerol stock
Number Name Description Verified clone Date
S45A L30A DapAp>>mRFP within W121 strain August 25
S45B L30B DapAp>>mRFP within W121 strain August 25

Recombination Rate Test

  • We counted how many clones grew up on AMP-KAN :

- FX85 L26.1 : 78%
- FX85 L26.2 : 93%

In all cases, we are up to the 50% max necessary to permit the spread of the population. As François-Xavier told us, CRE seems really a too good worker for our stuff !

  •  ??? No clones from the dillution culture appeared on our AMP-THYMINE plates ??? We decide to try again with 10-7 and 10-5 dillution so as to check if the lack of clones would come from a too high dillution.