Peking Thanks


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Peking The Projects The Team Misc & Fun [ Our OWW] Acknowledgement

Our Sponsors:

  • [ Continental Airlines]

  • [ Peking University Education Foundation]

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  • [ Office of Peking University 211 Project]

Institutions that support us:

  • [ Peking University College of Life Sciences]

  • [ for Theoretical Biology, Peking University]

  • [ Academy for Advances Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University]

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  • [ Teaching Center for Experimental Biology, Peking University]

The iGEM Community:

  • We thank all the professors, students and technicians of Peking University not listed in our adviser list that gave us help during our projects.
  • We thank UC Berkley team for their help on our conjugation experiments, sending us BioBrick cells and their inspiring projects 2006 in the first place.
  • We thank Tianjin University team for their nice hosting of both the synthetic biology workshop and the TTT.
  • We thank all the other three iGEM teams (Tianjin U, Tsinghua U and USTC) for info exchange and collaboration on various issues.
  • We thank teachers and students from Tsinghua and NIBS who had attended our journal club for inspiring discussion s and ideas.

Email us at igem-pku AT googlegroups DOT com

External links iGEM | iGEM 2007 | Team List | [ Parts] | [ Peking OWW] | [ Peking University]

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