Tokyo/Genetic circuit/the new parts
Abstract Concept & Model Requirements Genetic_circuit Works About_our_team
The parts we made this year
A-side I7510--
- 00 pBR dPst
B-side I7511--
- 00 J54140dP
- 01 J54140dP + hybrid promoter (lux-lac)
- 02 J54140dP + hybrid promoter (lux-cI)
- 03 J54140dP + constitutive promoter
pSB4 derivative I7512--
- 50 pSB4 plac + LuxI (from BBa_I13202)
pBR322 derivative I7513--
- 00 pBR322 luxI
- 10 pBR322 GFP
- 11 pBR322 pcI-GFP
- 50 pBR322 plac + LuxI(from BBa_I13202)
promoters I7515--
- 00 pcIFinal
- 01 plux-cI hybrid promtoer
- 02 plux-lac hybrid promoter
Others I7519--
- 00 plux-lac + GFP composite
Featured parts
Hybrid Promoter
What is [Works/Hybrid_promoter| hybrid promoter]?
- [ BBa_I751502]
cf. Other suggestions on the genetic circuit on the A side
As to genetic circuits to realize our Concept & Model, there were some other suggestions as fololows: =>suggestions