Imperial/Infector Detector/Testing


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Infector Detector: Testing


The aims of the testing were as follows:

  • To test and obtain the optimal DNA concentration for construct 1 in vitro
  • To characterise the output of GFPmut3b for a range of AHL inputs. From this obtain the AHL sensitivity of our system.

In addition the fluorescence measurements were converted to number of GFPmut3b molecules synthesised using a calibration curve constructed using purified GFPmut3b.

DNA Concentrations

Fig.1.1:Molecules of GFPmut3b synthesised over time, for each DNA Concentration in vitro - The fluorescence was measured over time for each experiment and converted into molecules of GFPmut3b in vitro using our calibration curve.

Fig.1.2:Molecules of GFPmut3b synthesised for each DNA Concentration in vitro, after 360 minutes.


Click for full results and protocols can be found on the links results and protocol pages.
The results show us the following:
  • The output of GFPmut3b increases with input of AHL
  • The system is sensitive to a range of 5-1000nM AHL
  • The GFPmut3b molecules synthesis stops at ~300minutes. This could be due to steady state or due to no synthesis of GFPmut3b. It is known not to be steady state because the degradation experiment(link) proved degradation is negligible. Interestingly this time is independent of the GFPmut3b molecules produced, showing that the LuxR under the control of pTet is the major source of energy consumption. This highlights the advantages of using the construct 2 [ pLux-GFPmut3b] that does not have the energetic burden of producing LuxR

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