Melbourne/Lab Notebook Weeks 5-8


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Week 5

23 July 2007

  • Colony PCRed using vf2 and vR primers the transformations from 20/7. 3 colonies from ligation plate and one from plasmid control plate.

24 July 2007

-results: colony 3 didn't give product.

  • Streaked out some cells from index plate (No.3).

25 July 2007

26 July 2007

27 July 2007

Week 6

30 July 2007

(no BSA or AP used).

  • Inactivated enzymes at 80degreesC in a heat block for 10min.
  • Ligated the two parts together (5ul each) overnight at 4degreesC.

31 July 2007

  • Transformation of ligations from 31/7 into NM522 competent cells using 3ul of DMSO.

using miniprep from 13/7. All digests were E/P.

Ran a Gel:


    1. Low digestion efficiency
    2. Low digestion efficiency
    3. No insert seen but DNA present
    4. No insert seen but DNA present
    5. Ok digestion (not very good)
    6. Ok digestion (not very good)

--Digestion imcomplete??

1 Aug 2007

  • Cultured 6 colonies picked from 1/8 transformations. A total of about 500 colonies grew with none on control (competent cells only plate).

2 Aug 2007

-results: colony 6 had two bands of sizes approximately 1000 and 1100bp.

  • Streaked out colony 6 liquid culture on LBA plate and grew overnight.

3 Aug 2007

  • Picked 5 colonies from streaked out plate from 2/8 and Cultured overnight.

4 Aug 2007

-All lanes had a single band at 1000-1100bp. Two had a 1000bp band and three a 1100bp band.

Week 7

5 Aug 2007

  • Minipreppred OMP-YFP sent off for sequencing. 10ul of miniprep and 2ul each of vf2 and vR primers (10uM) were sent.

Sequence was the desired P1 15P to P1 11A ligation product (ampR).

6 Aug 2007

-All above samples seem to be good.

  • Heat inactivated P2 9E E/X and P4 8J E/S at 65degreesC for 10min.
  • Ligated above DNA fragments together (5ul each) at 4degreesC overnight.

7 Aug 2007

8 Aug 2007

9 Aug 2007

10 Aug 2007

11 Aug 2007

Week 8

12 Aug 2007

13 Aug 2007

14 Aug 2007

15 Aug 2007

16 Aug 2007

17 Aug 2007

18 Aug 2007